Directory Category: Tonnage Surveys

Cioni (Stefano)
Listing Title
Short Description
Stefano Cioni is authorised to conduct coding surveys on GRP & FRP, Steel & Alloy and Wooden Motor or Sailing Vessels.

Call Stefano on + 39 3474824051.
Contact Name
Stefano Cioni
Crosby (Tom)
Listing Title
Short Description
Tom Crosby is authorised to carry out tonnage measurements.

Call Tom on + 44 7754 058 590.
Listing Category
Contact Name
Thomas Crosby
Cudmore-Ray (Lee)
Listing Title
Listing Category
Contact Name
Lee Cudmore-Ray
Curry (Capt Eugene)
Listing Title
Short Description
Located in Dublin, Eugene is authorised to carry out coding surveys on GRP vessels and can carry out tonnage measurements
Damaskinos (Alexander)
Short Description
Alexander Damaskinos is authorised to carry out tonnage measurements.

Call Alexander on +357 99 378 405 .
Listing Category
Contact Name
Alexander Damaskinos
De Roock (Paul)
Listing Title
Short Description
Experienced surveyor, Paul de Roock, based in Holland, is authorised to perform coding surveys on a wide selection of material types.
Duffy (Capt Phil)
Listing Title
Short Description
Phil Duffy is the Managing Director and Principle Surveyor of Interface Marine SARL, a south of France based yacht survey practice, established in 2006. Interface marine conducts all types of marine surveys on vessels from small craft to super yachts, including MCA coding of pleasure craft, MLC examinations and tonnage measurements.
Edmond (Andrew)
Listing Title
Short Description
Andrew Edmond is authorised to carry out tonnage measurements.

Call Andrew on +44 771 434 0487.
Listing Category
Contact Name
Andrew Edmond
Ehnes (David)
Listing Title
Short Description
David Ehnes is authorised to carry out tonnage measurements. Call David onĀ 001 345 324 1502.
Listing Category
Contact Name
David Ehnes