Directory Category: 000 kgs Coding

Ortchison (Donald)
Listing Title
Short Description
Types of Survey: Code examinations for commercial craft, Marine Insurance Claims, Tonnage measurements, UTM surveys, Stability Tests, Small Craft Surveys for steel, alloy, wood, GRP vessels, Superintendency. Experienced in local, national and international surveys.

Consultancy Services: Consultant for new design, repairs, modifications and troubleshooting for all types of vessels and marine installations, AutoCAD and FEM analysis. IMCA eCMID AVI for General and MISW vessels.
Contact Name
Donald Ortchison
Proudlove (Mike)
Listing Title
Short Description
Experienced surveyor, Mike Proudlove is based in South Wales in the UK and is authorised to carry out a range of coding services
Contact Name
Mike Proudlove
Rapp (Richard)
Listing Title
Short Description
Richard Rapp operates throughout Europe and beyond, although most regularly in France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Poland in addition to the UK South Coast. Richard is authorised to code GRP, steel and aluminium vessels and RIBs and to conduct heel tests, tonnage measurement surveys and MLC compliance examinations.
Richardson (Stuart)
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Short Description
Stuart Richardson is authorised to carry out coding on GRP & FRP, Steel & Alloy motor and sailing vessels, as well as coding Simple and Complex workboats, RIB's, Tugs and Pilot Boats.

Stuart is also approved for MLC inspections reports and  tonnage measurements.

Call Stuart on +44 788 193 5365.
Contact Name
Stuart Richardson
Sollars (Barney)
Listing Title
Short Description
Barney Sollars is authorised to conduct coding surveys on GRP & FRP vessels, steel and alloy vessels and Simple Workboats. Approved for Annual and Mid-Term on Workboats carrying over 1000kgs and Towing 2 x Displacement. As well as undertaking MLC inspections reports and tonnage surveys. Website: Call Barney on + 44 07757718815.
Contact Name
Barney Sollars
Stillman (Brett)
Listing Title
Short Description
Material types: Brett Stillman is authorised to carry out coding surveys on GRP/FRP, Wooden and Steel & Alloy vessels. Call Brett on +  61 0417389734. Qualifications: DipMarSur(L2)
Contact Name
Brett Stillman
Vanterpool (Jamil)
Listing Title
Short Description
Jamil Vanterpool is authorised to conduct coding surveys on GRP & FRP vessels, steel and alloy vessels and Simple Workboats. As well as undertaking simple heel test, MLC inspections reports and tonnage surveys. Mobile telephone: + 1 28 4443 9640.
Contact Name
Jamil Vanterpool
Waddington (Geoff)
Listing Title
Short Description
Geoff has 46 years experience in the industry both at sea and ashore. He is the Chairman of Geoff Waddington & Partners Ltd with offices in the UK in Hythe (Southampton) and the Algarve (Portugal). Geoff and his team of three other surveyors and two Office Administrators take instructions for Tonnage Measurement Surveys, SCV2 and WB2 MCA codings of both motor and sailing vessels up to 24 meters both in the UK and abroad.
West (Matt)
Listing Title
Short Description
Matt West is authorised to conduct coding surveys on GRP & FRP vessels, RIB’s and Simple Workboats. As well as undertaking MLC inspections reports and tonnage surveys. Call Matt on +44 779 855 4535.
Contact Name
Matt West
Willis (Keith)
Listing Title
Short Description
Keith Willis is an experienced surveyor based in the south of France, but prepared to travel.